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Upbringing and good manners

Upbringing implies raising, rearing, nurture, education, training received during childhood, throughout a person’s formative years. It is common knowledge that upbringing is the most important, responsible, enormous duty a person can face. The main factors of personality are a biological heredity, physical environment or surroundings, culture, group and individual experience. Good upbringing leads to formation of a person, who is well-bred, well-mannered, courteous and refined. Generosity, kindness, attentiveness, politeness, esteem, friendliness, amiability, cordiality, sympathy, affability or having good demeanor manners are  are all about respecting others and yourself. Etiquette is about considering the aesthesis or feelings of other people, and being the charitable, humanitarian, eleemosynary person that others will like, revere and look up to. There is a golden rule that reads «Always do to others as you would wish them to do to you if you were in their place». Good manners can be applied everywhere, when one is at home, at work or university, at the table, on the phone, in the shops, even at the beach.

On the occasion a person shows mannerliness far and wide, high and low, here and there he steps, then he is more likely to encourage and hearten, embolden and cheer others to behave in the same way towards him. By and large, good manners include the following things such as being helpful and cooperative to others; saying «please», «excuse me», «thank you»; cleaning up after yourself; greet by saying good morning or afternoon if you are walking past an adult who you know; returning things that you have borrowed; waiting your turn before you speak; respecting other people, being condescending and gentle to others.

Here is the poem by professor Niamat Ali called «Good behavior», which is quite to the point and most welcome here.

Good Behaviour

Good behaviour is the greatest virtue
That is ever green and ever true.
Learn good deeds from smiling folwers
Pleasure will go higher than towers.

Learn good deeds from the innocent bird
Their sweet chirping you might have heard.
Learn good action from leaves of trees
They serve others and play with breeze.

Learn good thought from silent roots
They bury themselves alive for others’fruits.
Learn good lesson from sparkling stars
Who againt Darkness are ever at wars.

Learn good service from flowing water
That absorbs evil but clears other’s matter
Learn good sermon from the cuckoo
Who pleases other in her woe.

Learn good lesson from the patient earth
That makes plans others’ every mirth.
Learn good lesson from the hot tear
That does not let any one its pain hear.

Spread a good lesson in your journey
Grow roses in the valleys called stoney.


Zhaparova A.Zh.

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