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Abay Research Institute News: XXX-XXXV volumes of “Abay studies. Selected Works” publication have seen the light

Abay Research Institute has compiled and prepared XXX-XXXV volumes of “Abay studies. Selected Works” publication in “Kazakh University” publishing house of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. M. Myrzakhmetov’s “Abay and the East”monograph, and works called “Abay’sMoral Ideals”, “Abay and Auezov”were published in 30-31 volumes. The bookdiscusses the eastern tradition of Abay’s works and the attitude of the greatest thinker to it from the scientific point of view. The analysis of such concepts as “Islamic doctrine “, “perception”, “youth”, “the rule of the three directions of love” and “purity of the soul” is conducted. Additionally, Abay’s poetry libraryis discussed.

The thirty-second volume includesDoctor of Philology, Baltabay Abdigaziuly’s work”The World of Abay and Shakarim”. Thescientistmentionsthe work of Shakarim Kudaiberdiyev, the great philosopher, who continued Abay’s literary tradition.

The thirty-third volume contains Professor Y. M. Paltore’swork. The interrelation of Abay’s creativity with medieval Turkic monuments is analyzed there. The words of Arabic origin used by Abai in his works are contextually connected and devoted to the text of the Holy Quran and hadith. They played an important role in the linguistic and cultural interpretation.

The thirty-fourth volume contains additional information about Abay’s biography, as well as the works, conclusions and gratitude of the employees of the state historical-cultural and literary-memorial museum-reservation “Zhidebay-Baryli” dedicated to Abay, in Semey.

In the thirty-fifth volume of “Abay Studies. Selected Works”publication,the main results of interdisciplinary study of Abay’s creative heritage were generalized and differentiated. The volume consists of introduction, nine chapters, conclusion, used sources and applications.

Attention in this work is mainly paid to the actual problems of Abay’s studies. The works included in this volume are intended forAbay scholars, graduate and doctoral students, young people undertaking to closely familiarize themselves with the heritage of Abay, and the interested public. The volume 3979 / GF4 was prepared and published within the framework of “Interdisciplinary study of Abay Kunanbayev’s creative heritage”program.

Musaly L. Zh., associate professor of al-Farabi KazNU

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